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Adera Carter

Adera Carter

From Survivor to Coach Lydia’s Journey of Resilience & Hope

In the fall of 2022, just shy of her 40th birthday, Lydia received news that would forever change her life: a breast cancer diagnosis. What started as a routine mammogram revealed Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS), a non-invasive form of breast cancer. Lydia, a mother of three, was faced with overwhelming emotions and decisions, but her story is not just one of survival—it’s one of resilience, gratitude, and the power of community.

Finding Strength in Unexpected Places

When Lydia received her diagnosis, the gravity of the situation hit her and her family hard. Telling her children, ages 10, 8, and 6 at the time, was one of the most difficult parts of the journey. “We struggled to find the words,” she recalls. But after a double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery, Lydia made it through to the other side with the unwavering support of her family and friends. Now, two years later, she looks back with gratitude for the community that stood by her.

This fall, Lydia embarked on a new chapter alongside her daughter, Hattie, who just became old enough to join Girls on the Run (GOTR) as a 3rd grader. This season is special for both of them: it’s Lydia’s first time as a GOTR coach and Hattie’s first time participating in the program. For Lydia, GOTR has been more than a physical activity—it’s been a source of emotional healing and empowerment for both her and Hattie.

GOTR: Empowering Girls and Supporting Mental Health

Girls on the Run provides girls with more than just running skills—it gives them tools to navigate life’s challenges with resilience, strength, and a sense of purpose. This mission aligns closely with Lydia’s own experiences with breast cancer. “GOTR teaches girls to face challenges with 'I Can Power,’” Lydia explains. “Coaching has already been a rich experience for me and Hattie. It’s empowering to watch her build confidence as she pushes herself through obstacles.”

Mental health and physical health are inextricably linked, especially during times of crisis. Studies show that exercise can significantly improve mental well-being, especially for those facing life-threatening illnesses like cancer. GOTR helps girls and coaches alike learn to manage stress, build emotional resilience, and lean on others for support—tools that Lydia found invaluable during her journey.

In her role as a coach, Lydia sees firsthand how GOTR’s emphasis on self-care and teamwork supports the girls in navigating their own challenges. It’s a reminder that the strength to overcome obstacles, whether physical or emotional, often comes from the community that surrounds us.Sharon Elementary GOTR Team Fall 24Coach Lydia, her co-coaches, and their Girls on the Run team.

As part of our October Cupcakes with Care campaign, GOTR participants are making sock cupcakes to donate to breast cancer patients. For Lydia, this initiative is deeply personal. She remembers the impact of small gestures during her own treatment, sharing, “A dear friend once left a box of my favorite childhood cereal, Lucky Charms, on my doorstep with a note. It wasn’t grand, but it was a bright light on a dark day.”

The Cupcakes with Care project teaches girls the importance of small acts of kindness and empathy, a lesson that resonates with Lydia. “Cupcakes with Care will bring smiles to the faces of those going through treatment, and it will show our girls that even the smallest gesture can have a profound impact.”

A Message of Hope for Others Facing Breast Cancer

As Lydia reflects on her journey, she offers words of encouragement for other families who may be going through similar health challenges. “Don’t rush the process of feeling and healing. Lean on your community and face each challenge with a positive attitude. These are the same tools we teach our girls in GOTR, whether they’re running a 5K or navigating something as difficult as breast cancer.”

Want to Support Cupcakes with Care?
As part of our Cupcakes with Care initiative, participants from some of our teams will create sock cupcakes for breast cancer patients once fundraising is complete. You can help us reach our goal of $2,000 for supplies by donating here. Every contribution makes a difference in brightening someone’s day!

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About Council

We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Non-profit girl empowerment after-school program for girls.

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